If there was one name that Baltimoreans were obsessed with in 2017, it wasn’t Donald Trump or Jeff Bezos — it was Kevin Plank. Plank, the CEO of Under Armour, dominated our headlines this year. As Under Armour struggled with declining earnings and layoffs, Plank’s personal projects thrived, including the Sagamore Pendry hotel and the Sagamore Spirit distillery. Under Armour and Plank were some of the most-read stories this year for us, a year that was certainly dominated by politics. If anything,…
from https://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/news/2017/12/30/the-bbjs-25-most-read-stories-of-2017.html?ana=RSS&s=article_search
via http://baltimorecheckbook.tumblr.com/post/169115166397